
Baking Frenzy

Today was a "me" day, meaning I was determined to do what I wanted to do. Granted I slept in far too late to do much sewing, but I have wanted to bake some goodies for a while. We've been eating a lot of bananas recently, but of course you never make it through the bunch before they start to look a little brown. So that last one, in the freezer. A few frozen bananas later, there was enough to make banana bread.
We had some zucchinis too that I hadn't gotten around to cooking yet, so zucchini bread too! Breakfast foods abound.

I've been craving Olga bread for a while, too. I figured I could find the recipe online, and I did! So, I gave it a try and it was relatively easy to make, it just takes a little longer than I'm used to because I usually make batter breads not rising breads. It was good though! Not as great as it is in the resturant, but still really delicious! Check out the recipe: Olga Bread - 79388 - Recipezaar


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